Power BI
Value Proposition
  • All business, finance and product data in one interactive panel.
  • Automatization of reporting without additional manual involving.
  • Make decisions based on data, not intuition.
  • Efficiency of obtaining data and constant access to reports at any time and from any devices.
  • It is beauty and clear.
Find sources which will be used for getting data for analysis. Connect program, sources or other sheets with Power BI for getting dataImport data to Power BI Desktop and creating the report. Publishing in Power BI Service, where it can be created new visualisations and informations panels.

Sharing of information panels together with other users, collaboration with it in browser and Power BI mobile app.
How we work
  • Step #1
  • Workshop to identify needs.
  • Step #2
  • Consulting, what we recommend we should measure.
  Based on previous experience
  • Step #3
  • Connection with a source.
  • Step #4
  • Preparation of a report together with visualisation part.
  • Step #5
  • Launch/ Publishing in Power Bi portal
This is some text inside of a div block.


  • Excel / Google sheets
  • Heroku Dataclips
  • PostgreSQL
  • Firebase
  • Google Analytics
  • Tripletex
If you have any questions about building your digital product, please contact us!
Let's work together!
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